Writing Better Fiction - Blog

We are Storytellers not Simply "writers".

The Story Tech System

The Ancient Magic of Storytelling

Has Been Discovered and

Can Now Be Yours...

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In these free training videos you will discover:

  • Is you writing good enough and how good it needs to be...
  • What the structure of a novel actually looks like...
  • How to Conceive a really good story...
  • How to Design that good story for maximum impact on your audience...
  • Story Development (a.k.a. “World Building”) done right...
  • Story Composition – Where and how the magic actually happens...
  • And lots, lots more…
Dec 30, 2018

Standard Story Structure is the invisible Blueprint

Third FREE Masterclass Video For Fiction Writers - is Now LiveStandard Story Structure is the invisible BlueprintFree Here Secret Story Structure

Video -3 "Story Structure - What No One Ever Told You"

• Video - 1 Answers the question, "Is your writing good enough?" and demonstrates that it's not the "writing" but the story that is most important.

• Video - 2 Blows away misconceptions and false data regarding exactly what a story is. Most everything we've been taught about stories and writing fiction is probably wrong.

• Video - 3 Reveals the exact structure of all successful stories (short stories, novels and feature films alike).

Standard Story Structure is the invisible blueprint behind every successful novel and feature film.

• This is the structure used by storytellers for thousands of years.

• This is the structure behind every bestselling novel.

• This is the structure behind every blockbuster film.

I did not "create" this structure but rather "discovered" it through many years of research.

I diagram this all important Story Structure in the simplest but most revealing way you have ever seen.

The Story Structure that I reveal is simple, powerful, and all important for your storytelling projects.

This is the structure you need to make your stories as powerful as they can be. This is the structure you need to reach your full potential as a master storyteller.

For a limited time I'm giving you this eye opening video - FREE.

Click the link.

Visit Story Structure

Watch the video.

While you still can.

Write on…


PS: A simple Opt-In gets you access to all 4 of my FREE Masterclass Videos for Fiction Writers. You can opt-out at any time. Your Contact info is safe. I will not share it with anyone, ever PERIOD.

Continue reading "Standard Story Structure is the invisible Blueprint"

Dec 27, 2018

Story Structure - What No One Ever Taught You

Story Structure is the single most important aspect of a successful novel.

The Third Masterclass Video For Fiction Writers is now available on the Story Tech Secrets website.

https://www.storytechsecrets.com/pl/39267It presents " Story Structure - What No One Ever Taught You".

• What is Story Structure?

The pattern that all successful stories have followed for thousands of years.

• How does it work?

It allows the storyteller to design the complete telling of his story before he starts "writing" it. Thus avoiding the time wasters of; endless re-re-re-re-writing, "writers block" and the uncertainty of what to write next.

• What does this revolutionary concept have to do with you and successful storytelling?

Clever execution of the Standard Story Structure is 80% of what makes a successful novel or feature film.

• Why you should be interested.

This groundbreaking video is the simplest and most comprehensive demonstration of story structure you have ever seen.

This video dives deep into the fundamentals of what makes storytelling actually work.

Video - 1 Definitively answered the question, "Is your writing good enough?" and demonstrated that it's not the "writing" but the story that is most important.

Video - 2 Blows away misconceptions and false data regarding exactly what a story is.

And it shows that everything we thought we knew about stories is probably wrong.

Video - 3 Reveals the exact structure of all successful stories (short stories and novels alike).

• Why is Story Structure so important?

Standard Story Structure shows you what all successful stories have in common.

Understanding this gives you the tool you need to make your narrative as powerful and as compelling as possible.

Effective Story Structure, more than anything, pulls the reader through the story.

This structure is thousands of years old – for one simple reason – it works.

You can see (in one single page) the entire sweep or your story-arch and understand at a glance what needs to happen in each of the 5 movements.

From there you can easily bore down and design each chapter and scene.

• How does all this benefit the aspiring storyteller such as yourself?

Story Structure gives you a tried and true pattern upon which to base the blueprint of your story.

When you have a blueprint you can write quickly, smoothly and with certainty. You will compose with full confidence that your narrative will deliver the adventure desired and demanded by your readers.

Great stories are not composed by accident.

Without such a blueprint, even the most creative mind and industrious writer is just typing and praying.

It's the uncertainty of what to write (what to have happen next, and next, and next) that eats away at our confidence. It's the very lack of structure that causes us to go slow, doubt our creativity, and second guess our stories and our ability to tell them well.

Watch this video now.


Write on...


Continue reading "Story Structure - What No One Ever Taught You"

Dec 17, 2018

Big OOPS!.. New Link… My apologies

My apologies to those who tried to watch the 2nd Masterclass Video for Fiction Writers yesterday (Sunday).

It’s operational now, so please go watch - before lightning strikes…

NEW LINK https://www.storytechsecrets.com/p/masterclass-video-2

The thing is - I put up the video but…

Apparently I didn’t click the right thing-e, connected to the thing-a-ma-jig, that made the do-hickey activate the doo-dad, that caused the squirrels to run, powering the gadget that spins around and lights up the birthday candles…

You get the idea…

I’m so glad that computers make our lives stress free…

How ironic - I have to be a rocket scientist to show people the ancient technology of storytelling.

I’m sure there is some hidden meaning there but I’ll have to consult the petroglyphs and get back to you.

In the meantime, click here


Write on…


Continue reading "Big OOPS!.. New Link… My apologies"

Dec 15, 2018

Removing the Mystery will Unleash Your Magic

I’ve recently posted a few insightful videos on Facebook and YouTube that reveal some of the secrets related to writing fiction.

In one I appear as Merlin in a video titled simply “Product”, another called “The Tyranny of Words”, and a third titled “The Invisible Subject”.

These and a couple more are on my YouTube channel at Richard McCullough http://www.youtube.com/user/richwriter4u/feed

For a whale-of-a-tale check out this one “Fishing for Moby Dick” at http://renaissancespeakers.org/fishing-for-moby-dick/2161/

Just to be clear, these offer only a few nuggets from the Story Tech System but are enlightening and fun.

The complete videos for the Writers’ Masterclass are here https://www.storytechsecrets.com/pl/39267

All are FREE! Enjoy and Write on…


PS: Removing the Mystery Will Unleash Your Magic

Continue reading "Removing the Mystery will Unleash Your Magic"

Dec 10, 2018

The FREE Masterclass Videos for Fiction Writers – Available NOW!

I just uploaded the first Masterclass video for fiction writers.

Your adventure starts here: https://www.storytechsecrets.com/pl/39267

Write on…


PS: Removing the Mystery Will Unleash Your Magic

Continue reading "The FREE Masterclass Videos for Fiction Writers – Available NOW!"

Nov 05, 2018

The Ancient Storytellers Magic

The Ancient Storytellers MagicCreated stories that lived in the hearts and minds of the audience for a lifetime and beyond...

What few of today's storytellers (a.k.a. writers) realize is that effective storytelling is not some mysterious "art" but rather a simple, knowable technology.

Watch this video I made for you...

The Ancient Storytellers Magichttps://youtu.be/QkmhKRbArQ0

And let me know what you think.

Write on...


Nov 04, 2018

How to Write a Novel

How to Write a Novel - The top 5 mistakes of the aspiring novelist, and how to solve each one to keep you manuscript out of the rejection pile.

Continue reading "How to Write a Novel"

Oct 25, 2018

Story Starters

Before you waste a lot of time with story starters; discover how to actually Conceive, Design, and Research your story before you try Composing it.

Continue reading "Story Starters"

Oct 22, 2018

Elements of Fiction Writing

The elements of fiction are the fundamental principles of writing effective fiction

Continue reading "Elements of Fiction Writing"

Oct 21, 2018

Realistic Fiction must be more real than reality

Writing realistic fiction is the goal of every fiction writer. Because experiencing realistic fiction is the desire of every reader.

Continue reading "Realistic Fiction must be more real than reality"

Oct 11, 2018

Storytelling is a System dependent on a Technology

"Nothing is more clear than that every plot, worth the name, must be elaborated to its denouement before anything be attempted with the pen. It is only with the denouement constantly in view that we can give a plot its indispensable air of consequence, or causation, by making the incidents, and especially the tone at all points, tend to the development of the intention." ~ Edgar Allan Poe, excerpted from his 1846 lecture "The Philosophy of Composition".

Continue reading "Storytelling is a System dependent on a Technology"

Oct 10, 2018

We are Storytellers not Simply "writers".

Calling ourselves “writers” is too nebulous a term. It does little to describe or even mention what it is that we actually do.

We create stories. And not only do we create these stories but we communicate these stories to audiences.

The fact that we transmit our stories, via the written word, printed on paper or computer screens or translated into moving images called “movies” or otherwise dramatized on the stage by “actors” is largely irrelevant.

The key factor of our profession is the Conception, Design, Development and Composition of our Stories.

We are storytellers; first and foremost.

Which revelation, interestingly enough, places the creation and transmission of the story at the center of our profession rather than the scribbling, or keyboard pecking that people refer to as “writing”.

Story is the product of our enterprise while “writing” is something that one does to hopefully arrive at that vaulted final product – A Story.

And not just any story but; “Fantastic, well written stories that dazzles audiences.”

Write On,

Richard A. McCullough

To learn more about the magic of storytelling click below:


Continue reading "We are Storytellers not Simply "writers"."

Jun 24, 2015

I love your poem "My Children".

I love your poem My Children. You are right, the words, verses and poems are our children. You put it in a very nice way. Thank you for sharing it with

Continue reading "I love your poem "My Children"."

Jun 24, 2015

Your poem 'The Epitaph' is an exquisite poem.

I won't comment on every single image, but will tell you that this poem is inspiring and invites the reader to meditation. What I like is that you convey

Continue reading "Your poem 'The Epitaph' is an exquisite poem."

Jun 09, 2015

Apparently Dumb and Lost

I'm just going to be totally honest here. As downright pathetic and very sad as this is to admit, I am completely lost as to how I should go about self

Continue reading "Apparently Dumb and Lost"

May 10, 2015

Flowers for Mother's Day

Flowers for Mother's Day is a poem for all mothers, young and old

Continue reading "Flowers for Mother's Day"

Apr 11, 2015

Rewrite - Wrong

I just saw the trailer for Hugh Grant's latest movie "Rewrite" in which he intones...

"When it comes to writing - there are no rules."

What utter bullshit!

Of course there are rules.

How about, don't bore your audience.

How about, end each sentence with a period

How about, create believable characters that your audience can identify with.

Etc., etc.

There are hundreds of rules. Any school girl that's read a single novel knows there are rules to storytelling.

Just like any other craft. The rules of writing effective fiction are the proven methods, techniques, principles and best practices that make stories work. They help writers stay on track towards creating the best product in the shortest amount of time.

Only those who don't know the rules would profess that there aren't any.

Or, perhaps they're just forwarding the standard bullshit in order to protect their territory by misdirecting the competition.

Because, if the actual rules were better and more broadly know then there would be far more novels worth reading and movies worth watching.

Hugh, you're a wonderful actor...

But, whoever put those words in your mouth - should be shot.

Oh... I forgot.

There are rules against shooting idiots.

Write on...


Apr 08, 2015

13 Fiction Writing Tips - to Survive and Thrive as a Fiction Writer

Of all the fiction writing tips one could possibly get these 13 are more valuable than all the rest.

Continue reading "13 Fiction Writing Tips - to Survive and Thrive as a Fiction Writer"

Mar 13, 2015

Best eBook Cover Generator for Fast, Free & Easy Covers

The best eBook Cover Generator provides authors with fast, free and easy eBook covers for life. If you're not getting your eBook covers for free - you're paying too much.

Continue reading "Best eBook Cover Generator for Fast, Free & Easy Covers"

Mar 01, 2014

New Audio Book by Richard A. McCullough

Get your free copy of "The Zipper" today

This twisted tale by author Richard A. McCullough is free today on Amazon

"The Zipper" on Amazon

Book Description:

"When you're only five years old the world is held together by strange and mysterious things like, zippers.

And the greatest mystery is what ants do when they go down in the ground. Trying to follow the ants Johnny opened the zipper that turned the world inside out.

He didn't mean to, I'm sure.

But then... little boys, never do."

And there is a special treat for those who enjoy audio books because the author has published an audio version of this intriguing tail.

For a truly unique experience in storytelling you can listen to the author read his own work in his own voice.

Get the free eBook today and get 50% off on the Audio Book.

Write on...Richard

PS: You can read Kindle books on any device with a free app from Amazon.

Jan 19, 2014

You'll Love to Hate this Guy

Cloning Death


Richard A. McCullough

"William J. Witherspoon III was a fabulously wealthy, hateful, obsessive old man who was determined above all else to never die. He would cheat death, like he cheated everyone. But what he did not understand, what he failed to realize is that...

Death can't be cloned."

Download your free copy of this chilling romp through the dark side TODAY...

"Cloning Death" on Amazon

Your reviews are very much appreciated.

Write on...


Dec 28, 2013

Holiday Gift - Limited Time

Holiday Gift - Limited Time

My book "Sudden State of Mind" is yours for free.


Please accept this free book as a small way of saying "Thank You" for your ongoing support.

This book is somewhat controversial and the structure is experimental so I'd like to know what you think.

You can download this book free between December 28th and January 1st from Amazon.


Then the price goes back to $4.97 on January 2nd

Please take a moment to post a review and let me know what you think.

Happy Holidays...


PS: Get your free copy here


And please leave your review I'd love to know what you think of this book.

Dec 24, 2013

Story Structure

Is it just me or does anyone else find it disconcerting that there is so little agreement about something as fundamental as the basic structure of stories?

I'm all for originality and creative freedom however, I've observed over the years that just as too much originality (too little structure) leaves a large portion of the audience confused and thus uninterested, too little leaves the audience boarded.

Therefore, should we not be looking for, searching for and trying to understand what all stories have in common - in order to understand the universal and thus master the execution of those universal principles of storytelling?

Coloring outside the lines or thinking outside the box is only relevant when we have lines, and to the degree that we have a box. Without lines and boxes our art form will go the way of poetry, which has become so self-absorbed as to have passed all but completely out of even passing interest of the reading public.

Is not a story a specific thing, designed and executed for a specific purpose? Or is it just whatever anyone decides it should be at any given moment?

Are we creating stories for the audience or simply as a narcissistic exorcise in self-indulgence?

Write on...Richard

Nov 17, 2013

Readers are Loving My Books

Seems like a little social networking goes a long way.

In the last two weeks we've sold 72 books and received 21 very laudatory reviews for my 8 books.

This is the first promotion that we done for any of my books but it seems to be working, word is getting out there and we're building a little following.

You can see all my books here:


And most of them are still on sale for only 99 cents... Happy reading!

Write on...


Continue reading "Readers are Loving My Books"

Nov 13, 2013

Reviewer Demands My Book Be Banned

And I be "Boycotted" as an Author!

There's a battle raging on Amazon over my book...

By Tia "This work is by an anti-psychiatrist campaigner who wants no one to have access to psychiatric medication, services or even psychologists. It's prose subversively disguised to portray psychiatrists as evil and have that thought enter your subconscious. If you or anyone you know has benefited from medication to help with postpartum depression, anxiety, depression, bipolarism, etc, and/or you believe that people should have the choice of taking psychiatric medication, PLEASE boycott this author!"

What do you think?

Should my writing be BANNED?...

Oct 31, 2013

Writing Systems for Fiction Writers

The writing systems of the great writers of the Golden Age of Fiction (1910-1960) relied on Story Technology. Discover what they knew - that you're missing.

Continue reading "Writing Systems for Fiction Writers"

Oct 31, 2013

Start With the Product

Start with the product to plan any project such as writing a novel this. This is one of the tools of that I use.

Continue reading "Start With the Product"

Oct 31, 2013

Self-Publishing is easier but just as treacherous as conventional publishing.

Follow a fellow writer while I navigate the shark infested waters of self-publishing.

Continue reading "Self-Publishing is easier but just as treacherous as conventional publishing. "

Oct 31, 2013

How to Write a Novel - Introducing the Conception and Design processes

These how to write a novel tools vastly improve the odds of not only finishing the manuscript but ensuring that it's a good salable story.

Continue reading "How to Write a Novel - Introducing the Conception and Design processes"

Oct 31, 2013

Fiction Writing news, Self-publishing and Books in the news.

Stay up to date with news and trends about Fiction Writing news, Self Publishing and Books streaming from the major news services.

Continue reading "Fiction Writing news, Self-publishing and Books in the news. "

Oct 31, 2013

Creative Writing Ideas

There is no shortage of creative writing ideas. The problem is knowing what to do with the idea when you get one. For that you need The Story Engine.

Continue reading "Creative Writing Ideas"

Oct 31, 2013

Becoming a Writer

Becoming a writer is not what it's cracked up to be. Discover what they don't want you to know to see why you should be an author/publisher instead of a writer.

Continue reading "Becoming a Writer"

Aug 26, 2013

Toiling in a Field of Dreams.

Although many call me a "wordsmith" I really don't like the term.

While it's a cute alliteration to the idea of a writer being like a blacksmith who pounds words into shape for purpose... I've very seldom pounded any words... in or out of shape - swear to God.

I think of myself more like a farmer who plants ideas in the ground, then given enough time, sun and water they grow into something, sometimes quite remarkable. At which point I cruse the field looking for and selecting those fruits and vegetables that best fit the particular basket I have in my hand at the time.

I've even been known to graft one promising shoot onto a wholly different plant... hoping that something quite new and wonderful might grow from the cross match.

Yes, I think I'm a farmer toiling in a field of dreams.

Write on... Richard

Jun 02, 2013

Workable Truth

Workable truth and its pursuit is a slippery subject, hence we need a methodology for considering the relative truthfulness of a given datum.

Continue reading "Workable Truth"

Jun 02, 2013

Truth and Simplicity

Truth and simplicity go hand and hand and in studying any subject such a writing friction this is one of the tools of evaluation that I use.

Continue reading "Truth and Simplicity"

Jun 02, 2013

The Right Way

There is the right way for doing something and then there are all the other ways.

Continue reading "The Right Way"

Jun 02, 2013

Gradient Scales

Infinity valued logic and the resulting concept of gradient scales is the most significant advancement in the history of philosophy and a fiction writer's best friend.

Continue reading "Gradient Scales"

Jun 02, 2013

Datums of Comparable Magnitude

Datums of Comparable Magnitude must be used in evaluating any subject.

Continue reading "Datums of Comparable Magnitude"

Jun 02, 2013

My Philosophy

My Philosophy consists of a few basic philosophical datums that I use to think and evaluate data with.

Continue reading "My Philosophy"

Mar 17, 2013

How-to Sell Your Book

Hooks Sell Books

All marketing starts with a "hook"; especially if you're trying to sell something as intangible as a book.

You need a hook, to sell your book.

"Hook" is a slang term used in marketing and sales which literally means "to reduce to a complete loss of self-control" (Webster's Third New International Dictionary).

If you've "hooked" your prospective reader or audience they will have lost all "self-control" and feel compelled to buy what you're selling just to get off the hook. (pun intended)

While there are a good number of other useful definitions listed for "hook" this is probably one of the most applicable ones for our purposes.

As for examples...

Just start paying attention to all the advertising around you. And even the communications that you might not necessary consider "advertising".

A hook is contained in any and every short, pointed communication that demands your immediate attention and action.

It gets you to look, listen, pay attention, and take some action. There is always a call to action. It might be implied but the call to action is always there. It is often no more complicated than "buy this", or "read this" to get more.

Don't get the idea that a "hook" needs to be long or complex.

They are short, simple and hit you at a visceral level.

Think book titles.

Wander around or browse a book store, or a Wall-mart.

Go look at a news stand. Every effective headline contains a "hook".

A magazine cover contains a bunch of them.

The tabloids are a great study of effective titles that "hook" the reader's attention.

Crafting an effective hook for your book is an integral part of marketing, and EVERY fiction writer must understand marketing if he expects to make any money as a writer. This applies to self-publishing writers as well as conventionally published ones.

Remember publishers don't sell books. Publishers only print and distribute books. It's up to the author to sell his book. And all marketing starts with having an effective "hook".

"Hook" literally means "to reduce to a complete loss of self-control" (Webster's Third New International Dictionary).

This video reveals the secret Technology of Storytelling

Write on...


Feb 24, 2013

Road Trip

Just returned from an 8 month, 14,000 mile road-trip around America.

There are so many stories out there and so little time to tell them…I hardly know where to begin.

P.S.Oh, yea I just remembered…

Video # - 1 Click here to watch "Write a "Killer" Novel, Fast..."

Write on…Richard

Oct 10, 2012

On The Road - 1

Stories are everywhere. That’s not a problem. I should say ‘story ideas’ are everywhere.

99 days on the road and I’ve seen half the country, and talked with a lot of people, and read and seen a lot of history.

But are these “stories”?

The simple answer is “NO”.

You see, no matter the drama, just because something “happened”, no matter how “interesting” it’s not a “story”.

“Stories” are very precise things. They are “created” whether out of one’s imagination, out of fact or a combination of the two to serve a specific purpose.

That purpose is the conveyance of an singular idea.

A Story, irrespective of its seeming complexity, represents a singular truth, better known as a “premise”.

The premise of the story is that idea.

Any given story is dependent upon a premise for continuity, and purpose.

Without a premise we have a purposeless narrative that wanders. The language could be beautiful, even poetic, the action – as exciting as a roller coaster ride; characters that leap off the page and grab the reader by the throat.

But when it’s all said and done if there is no premise, no point to the narrative, then the audience will put down the book, or walk out of the theater, with nothing more than what they started with.

No matter how artful the presentation, they did not experience a “story” but merely a device of distraction.

And that’s the difference between a “story” and simple “entertainment”.

Ideas for stories may be everywhere, but it takes a true “storyteller” to arrange a sequence of action into something that means something; to imbue the events of a life with meaning.

Write on...
And SELF-Publish!

Jan 14, 2012

You Need More Than One Book

"Published" is not something that one becomes; it's something that one simply does.

If you're waiting for the establishment to give you permission to be a "published" author you're holding the wrong end of the stick.

My best advice:

It's damn near impossible to make money from just one book.

You need to publish 6-8 good books a year. That kind of quality volume, aimed at a specific reading public, is the cornerstone for the most effective promotion a fiction writer can do for his work. To get to that level - you need to:

  1. Learn how to write effective fiction quickly and consistently. "The Rich Writers Story System" is the best solution I know for that. Click here to watch the free videos for fiction writers. "The Rich Writers Story System"
  2. Selfpublish what you write. Conventional publishing is too slow, while keeping 80% of the profits, not to mention the fact that your book will be "out of print" 4 months after it hits book stores. All of which robs the writer of any but the slimmest chance of viability.
  3. Discover who your reading public is.
  4. Find the cheapest way of letting them know about your books.
  5. Keep writing.
  6. Keep publishing everything you write.
  7. Keep promoting your books to your existing public and potential readers.
  8. Bank all your income.
  9. Save 20% of what you make.
  10. Pay your bills.
  11. Invest the remainder in tested and proven promotion methods and things that increase your production.
  12. Ignore critics but answer all correspondence from your fans.
Click here to find out about "The Rich Writers Story System"

Write on...
And SELF-Publish!

Jan 08, 2012

Common Questions - Uncommon Answers

Q. What's your biggest problem or frustration with writing fiction?: Revision.

A. I would suggest that you write more and revise less. Write the manuscript, correct the typos, publish the book - and move on to writing the next one. That's the only way that you'll make progress.

I find it a very strange fact that the writing of fiction is the only profession where constant "revision", "editing" or "re-re-re-writing" is not only considered normal but desirable.

This is like going to the dentist only to have him re-fill the same cavity over and over again. Where is the benefit in that? Or having a chief re-re-re-cook the same eggs 6 times before finally putting them on a plate for you to eat.

Engineers don't constantly re-build bridges. Painters don't constantly paint, scrape and re-paint the same house over and over again, day after day. Your surgeon doesn't constantly re-re-re-transplant your heart... So where do writers get the idea they are supposed to re-re-re-re-write?

Why don't writers have the idea (like every other profession) of just doing it right in the first place? Do it once, do it right and be done with it!

The obvious and only answer is that they are uncertain of their craft.

But if the writer knows what he is trying to create and how to create it there is no uncertainty. Uncertainty comes from a lack of knowledge and therefore lack of control over one's craft.

The solution for this lack of knowledge it simply to study the Technology of Storytelling or what I call Story Tech. Storytelling is a Technology.

If one knows and uses the correct technology correctly then they get a good product. If one doesn't know the technology or does not use it then - they get crap. It's that simple.

PS. No amount of "revision" will turn crap into gold. But constant revision can turn gold into crap.

Click here to find out about "Story Tech".

Write on...
And Publish!

Dec 31, 2011

Writing Myths

There are many common writing myths. Here are a few of the most deadly.

Continue reading "Writing Myths"

Dec 31, 2011

Deadly Writing Myth - Number 1

  • I Need An Agent, And/Or Publisher.
What every writer needs first and foremost, is a good story, well told.

To achieve that you must know and use the correct tech of storytelling - what I call Story Tech.

Then you need to know how to sell your manuscript or book like any business person would sell a product. If you can do the above, everything else will take care of itself.

If on the other hand; you believe you can sit on a mountain top and simply type whatever comes to mind and some agent or publisher is going to swoop down like the tooth fairy, whisk your pages away and leave you bags of gold - your living in a dream world and it's time to wake up.

Writing, publishing and selling fiction is a business and it does not suffer fools.

Write on...
And Publish!

Dec 29, 2011

Writers Need A System To Succeed

"Nothing is more clear than that every plot, worth the name, must be elaborated to its denouement before anything be attempted with the pen. It is only with the denouement constantly in view that we can give a plot its indispensable air of consequence, or causation, by making the incidents, and especially the tone at all points, tend to the development of the intention." ~ Edgar Allan Poe, excerpted from his 1846 lecture "The Philosophy of Composition".

Poe goes on to dismiss the idea of artistic intuition and argues that writing is methodical and analytical, not spontaneous.

He explains that other authors are reluctant to admitted this because most writers would "positively shudder at letting the public take a peep behind the scenes... at the fully matured fancies discarded in despair... at the cautious selections and rejections."

All of which argues in favor of acquiring "The Rich Writers Story System" or, if you've got 10 years to spare - developing your own system.

One way or another you need a system if you expect to write well enough - fast enough - to make a living at it.

Write on...
And Publish!

Dec 28, 2011

Quotable Quotes

"A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike." ~ Thomas Kempis

"The lover of letters loves power too." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There is probably no hell for authors in the next world - they suffer so much from critics and publishers in this one." ~ Christian N. Bovee

"The chief glory of every people arises from its authors." ~ Samuel Johnson

"The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in." ~ James Baldwin

"I'm all for keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters." Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959) architect

Write on...
And Publish!

Dec 27, 2011

Should You Selfpublish?

<1>"Selfpublishing was the only form of publishing for 400 years between Gutenberg and the Victorian era. It's not only honorable, it's historic." ~ Godfrey Harris, author and publisher.

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