Workable Truth

workable truth

In keeping with the concept of gradient scales, we have the idea of a concept or statement being as true as it is workable. There are actually two principles at work here:

  • Absolutes are unattainable
  • A datum is only as true as it is workable

Therefore: as absolutes are unattainable, the best we can hope for is to progress towards a truth that is workable, or even more workable than the one we have. And that any concept, principle or datum is only as true as it is workable.

This concept of "workability" lends itself to any subject that we study, whether that subject is flipping hamburgers, building houses, or writing stories.

I have no particular ax to grind. I’m only interested in what works.

As such, on this site and in the books and articles that I write about the subject of writing fiction, I will confine my comments, suggestions or statements to "what works". That is my only allegiance, to learn the best that I can and to pass it on as best as I’m capable.

I don’t care where the idea comes from. It’s as "true" and therefore as "valuable" as it works.

My only allegiance is to my readers and my mandate is to deliver to them "what works".

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