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Here's Where You Start
by: Richard A. McCullough

Every aspiring writer since the invention of the printing press has been plagued by that same question; "Where do I start?"

The answer is both simple and illusive.

The simple part ? You must study the subject of storytelling. Writing fiction is a subject like any other and it must be studied to be understood. There is a technology to the craft of writing fiction. Just like there is a technology to literally doing anything else.

The illusive part ? The correct technology of storytelling (poetry, short stories, novels, plays and screenplays) is all but lost; until now.
After 5 decades of research, study and writing over a half million words on the subject I've cracked to code of writing effective fiction that sells.

The bare bones of the technology you'll find on this website Study ALL the pages of this site and you'll be miles ahead of 99.9% of the writers out there.

The complete codification of the subject of writing fiction will soon be released in a suite of products and services called "The Rich Writers Power Pack" which includes; Coaching, Videos, the Manual, Guides, Templates, and a Manuscript Evaluation, all designed to take the aspiring writer by the hand and walk them step-by-step through the entire process of creating a winning novel.

At the core of this complete writing system is "The Story Engine?" comprised of 6 distinct processes that walk the writer from story idea to a "killer" novel that sells itself.

This complete system will turn you into a Master Storyteller.

Until then; study every page on this site.

Writers are made not born. And the making starts with a through education in the subject of stories and storytelling.

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