The Rich Writers Story System

Table of Contents:

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Common Questions - Uncommon Answers

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Deadly Writing Myth - Number 1

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Writers Need A System To Succeed

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Quotable Quotes

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Should You Selfpublish?

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The Million eBook Club

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Thanks For Spreading The Word

Common Questions - Uncommon Answers

Q. What's your biggest problem or frustration with writing fiction?: Revision.

A. I would suggest that you write more and revise less. Write the manuscript, correct the typos, publish the book - and move on to writing the next one. That's the only way that you'll make progress.

I find it a very strange fact that the writing of fiction is the only profession where constant "revision", "editing" or "re-re-re-writing" is not only considered normal but desirable.

This is like going to the dentist only to have him re-fill the same cavity over and over again. Where is the benefit in that? Or having a chief re-re-re-cook the same eggs 6 times before finally putting them on a plate for you to eat.

Engineers don't constantly re-build bridges. Painters don't constantly paint, scrape and re-paint the same house over and over again, day after day. Your surgeon doesn't constantly re-re-re-transplant your heart... So where do writers get the idea they are supposed to re-re-re-re-write?

Why don't writers have the idea (like every other profession) of just doing it right in the first place? Do it once, do it right and be done with it!

The obvious and only answer is that they are uncertain of their craft.

But if the writer knows what he is trying to create and how to create it there is no uncertainty. Uncertainty comes from a lack of knowledge and therefore lack of control over one's craft.

The solution for this lack of knowledge it simply to study the Technology of Storytelling or what I call Story Tech. Storytelling is a Technology.

If one knows and uses the correct technology correctly then they get a good product. If one doesn't know the technology or does not use it then - they get crap. It's that simple.

PS. No amount of "revision" will turn crap into gold. But constant revision can turn gold into crap.

Click here to find out about "Story Tech".

Write on...
And Publish!
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Deadly Writing Myth - Number 1

  • I Need An Agent, And/Or Publisher.
What every writer needs first and foremost, is a good story, well told.

To achieve that you must know and use the correct tech of storytelling - what I call Story Tech.

Then you need to know how to sell your manuscript or book like any business person would sell a product. If you can do the above, everything else will take care of itself.

If on the other hand; you believe you can sit on a mountain top and simply type whatever comes to mind and some agent or publisher is going to swoop down like the tooth fairy, whisk your pages away and leave you bags of gold - your living in a dream world and it's time to wake up.

Writing, publishing and selling fiction is a business and it does not suffer fools.

Write on...
And Publish!
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Writers Need A System To Succeed

"Nothing is more clear than that every plot, worth the name, must be elaborated to its denouement before anything be attempted with the pen. It is only with the denouement constantly in view that we can give a plot its indispensable air of consequence, or causation, by making the incidents, and especially the tone at all points, tend to the development of the intention." ~ Edgar Allan Poe, excerpted from his 1846 lecture "The Philosophy of Composition".

Poe goes on to dismiss the idea of artistic intuition and argues that writing is methodical and analytical, not spontaneous.

He explains that other authors are reluctant to admitted this because most writers would "positively shudder at letting the public take a peep behind the scenes... at the fully matured fancies discarded in despair... at the cautious selections and rejections."

All of which argues in favor of acquiring "The Rich Writers Story System" or, if you've got 10 years to spare - developing your own system.

One way or another you need a system if you expect to write well enough - fast enough - to make a living at it.

Write on...
And Publish!
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Quotable Quotes

"A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike." ~ Thomas Kempis

"The lover of letters loves power too." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There is probably no hell for authors in the next world - they suffer so much from critics and publishers in this one." ~ Christian N. Bovee

"The chief glory of every people arises from its authors." ~ Samuel Johnson

"The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in." ~ James Baldwin

"I'm all for keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters." Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959) architect

Write on...
And Publish!
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Should You Selfpublish?

<1>"Selfpublishing was the only form of publishing for 400 years between Gutenberg and the Victorian era. It's not only honorable, it's historic." ~ Godfrey Harris, author and publisher.

Write on...
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The Million eBook Club

Amazon adds 3 three new authors to the million book club

Click here for the full story.

And while you're at it watch these free videos to understand how to write a quantity of good novels quickly enough to achieve an impact in the marketplace.

Video # - 1 Write a "Killer" Novel, Fast... Write a Killer Novel Fast

Think about it...

None of the above writers did it with just one book.

If anyone doubted the viability of ebooks before it's clearly time for the doubters to call it a day. John Locke became the first author to sell a million ebooks on Amazon and now he's joined by three more writers.

Get John's book (an ebook of course) on how he sold his million. Click here for my private Amazon bookstore ;-)

Very informative, no fluff, just the nuts and bolts - to a successful book campaign in this new digital age.

Write on...
And selfpublish.

What are you waiting for?
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Thanks For Spreading The Word

In 2011 served up 195,000 pages of workable storytelling technology to 27,000 aspiring writers from 83 different countries.

And those writers found the information sufficiently helpful to come back to the site an average of 4.77 times to read an average of 7.25 pages each.

In addition to the above the 4 free videos for fiction writers were watch in whole or in part by 32,777 writers.

Thanks to all my fans and supports for helping to spread the word...

There is a workable technology to storytelling - and it can be known.

Write on... And Publish! And PROSPER...

Your friend, Richard A. McCullough

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